

The 大学教务处 is responsible for providing the academic record-keeping function required by Mount Union and providing a large part of the planning, 管理, 及大学所需的运作资料. The office's goal is to support the faculty and administration in their efforts to realize the goals and objectives of the University, to support the students in their efforts to obtain an education and to provide services and information needed by the wider public, 包括威尼斯人app下载和以前的学生.


  1. 官方成绩单和成绩单请求
    • 非官方成绩单申请表格
  2. 校历和期末考试时间表
  3. 大学目录


  4. 大学注册主任正式表格
    • 在联合山临时工作

  5. 2023年夏季和秋季报名
    • 规划你的专业
    • 毕业后计划
    • 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA)
    • 教师和顾问资源
    • 综合核心和Raider基础组合